Our approach and philosophy

Quality foods change mindsets

Brain food menu prednaška Dušan Plichta

An article with this title was published as the main topic of the Profit magazine on November 27, 2013 and triggered an avalanche of positive feedback. Even though more than 6 years have passed, this idea still resonates in me and was also behind the decision to establish a concept of food without compromise, and thus in first-class quality and taste – Powerlogy. 

I really believe that a new approach to conscious consumption and the choice of our food is the most important factor in improving health, energy, vitality and our environment.

Personally, I thank you in advance for your investment in Powerlogy products. 

I assure you that by doing that, you contributed to a gradual progressive change in the attitude of people towards nutritional value and high quality of pure and unprocessed foods.

Thanks to you, we can expand our portfolio further and carry out educational activities about food science and the basics of improving one’s diet and lifestyle. We have reached out to roughly a million families, who want to educate themselves and know the potential of quality food.

We offer a functional assortment of products such as collagen, selective coffee, ghee butter or MCT oil and a gourmet Great Taste assortment of products such as nougat, pistachio cream or olive oil.

Trust in quality of production and composition

I must selfishly admit that I create Powerlogy products mainly for myself and my family. For me food is a daily experience of intertwinement between natural pure taste and functional energy. Life is too short for unnecessary compromises.

And so, from my personal experience and consultations with experts I created my own standards, according to which I select and create my foods without making compromises in taste and composition.

I am grateful for being given the chance to meet many of you personally, via lectures, workshops, camps or by chance. I see that a strong community of POWER people is forming, who work on themselves and gradually improve their habits and lifestyle.

Powerlogy space & coffee

In 2019 we opened a cafe, Powerlogy space & coffee, in Bratislava, for the aforementioned purposes. In the cafe, we offer all our Power Specials products, but also the opportunity to meet great people with similar values and gain new information for a strong, healthy and fulfilled life.

Optimal plate composition

Be inspired by my verified view on the optimal composition of your plate and adjust it according to your personal needs.

For news, invitations to events and the best prices of functional foods, follow our newsletter (join at the end of this page). 

May the strength be with you, friends, and may there be high quality food for an improved mindset! ?

Dušan Plichta – founder of Powerlogy

Social responsibility and transparency

Social responsibility and total transparency is important to us. We stand by the fact that we have nothing to hide, even till the point where we invite any doubters to visit our production centers. We aim to produce our products locally. More than 90% of our products are produced in Slovakia and the Czech Republic,

Product sourcing

The majority of our product ingredients are of organic quality(more in the paragraph about organic certification). We care deeply about the quality of our product ingredients. They must be of first class quality. The origin of every ingredient in our products can be found on our webpage in the composition description of every product.

Product production

Production is done by our partners. Powerlogy does not own any production sites or machines. We care as much for the quality of our ingredients, as we do for the quality of how they are processed. 

All our products are produced in Slovakia, apart from Granola, MCT oils and Ghee. It is due to the fact, we haven’t found a Slovak producer, who would meet our demanding quality standards. Granola is produced in the Czech Republic and Ghee is produced in Slovenia.

Our production process has a minimal effect on the environment, fulfilling the standards of BRC certification.

Organic certification

The majority of our products are proudly marked by organic certification, assigned and judged by the company Naturalis. Some of our ingredients are not organic, either due to unavailability, or due to their high price, that would make the product too costly. However, that doesn’t mean they are of lower quality, but their supplier did not request certification. The quality of our ingredients is our foremost necessity.

Packaging and transport

Packaging for individual products, biological degradation

We use two types of packaging, glass with metal lids and plastic etiquettes, or plastic, fully recyclable packs. In the past we used paper etiquettes, but we adapted due to customer feedback, who wanted to use the glass containers for other purposes later on. That is why we use plastic etiquettes, easy to take down and are fully recyclable.

Apart from glass and the metals lids, all our packs and etiquettes are manufactured in Slovakia. Our goal is to have completely recyclable packs in all our products, without affecting their cost. Moreover, we plan to launch a new sale of products without packaging in our Powerlogy space & coffee cafe.

Packing of products

In 2018, we replaced the plastic fillings of packages with paper ones. We try to find a balance between the amount of material used for packaging and transport and ensuring the unbreakability of our products. Given that most of our products are packaged in glass, this is very important to us.

Jede Woche kann ein Schritt nach vorn sein

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