This is biohacking: Nothing abstract, just a progressive view on self-development

  • 10 min. reading

This is biohacking: Nothing abstract, just a progressive view on self-development

From a linguistic point of view, biohacking is a nice buzzword. However, the essence behind the form does not lag behind at all. It is also a useful and content-rich term. It represents a purposeful and science-based effort to understand the functioning of one’s own body. Based on this knowledge, it is possible to actively improve it and gradually adapt it to one’s individual needs. An even more concise definition is “the overall strengthening of one’s self”. The organism is not only mechanics and biochemistry, but equally consciousness and psyche.

Key concepts

  • Biohacking is a systemic approach to really gaining the ability to listen to your own body.
  • It is also a way to comprehensively improve your own lifestyle.
  • At the same time, lifestyle is always a complex matter of connecting the body and the mind.
  • In order to be able to make a change or correction, one must first know oneself well.
  • However, knowing oneself means understanding the processes that take place regularly in the body.
  • If we are chronically tired and exhausted, there will definitely be a problem somewhere and it is time to start solving it.
  • Qualified understanding requires drawing on good resources and building on facts and science.
  • A biohacker can be anyone who is interested in experimenting, testing and optimizing.

Biohacking is a systemic approach to better realizing your own potential. The goal is to take control of one’s own energy, performance and health. The basis is the constant search for knowledge, and evaluation of causes and effects based on scientific facts. The biohacker does not follow blindly, but thinks critically and always in context to find an individualized solution for himself. It is important to recognize patterns in chaos and create your own order from them, which, however, must not become a dogma, because man, like his environment, is constantly changing over time.

However, the concept of “hacking” one’s own body is not something that concerns only a select handful of transferred individuals who have time included in the category of surplus commodities. On the contrary, steps leading to a more efficient or stable performance of one’s own body and mind have and must be compatible with the common rhythm and daily chronology of contemporary office life. Every potential biohacker should pay attention to four basic areas – quality facts, critical thinking, consistent self-knowledge and then the practical application of steps that gradually change the unwanted and create new more effective habits.

We haven’t heard of – we do not know – we will not change

The well-known “fake it till you make it” doesn’t really apply here, so let’s pretend we know something until we learn it or make it happen. Consistent and trustworthy information is key to anything a person wants to achieve in terms of a better response or readiness of their body.

  1. Hard facts: Not heads or minds. On the contrary, they must be open. The key is critical information processing, understanding the basis of statistics and the ability to distinguish relevant research from assumptions and paveda. This journey begins with the selection of exclusively credible sources that rely on cutting-edge research and seriously repeated scientific and laboratory tests. For many, it may be clear as a summer day, but today it is increasingly important to remind ourselves repeatedly.
  2. The art of reading: Almost everyone knows that. However, few people really understand the content and even less the context. We are talking mainly about the composition of food, differentiation and understanding of common terms in the food and processing industry. We can probably name more types of oils or we know that glucose syrup is sweet, but we also know what is used for what and why? An educated consumer should have a better answer than just having someone say or write it.
  3. Understand the context: If we are more confident in navigating between concepts or even distinguishing between glycolysis and ketosis, the next phase is to know the causal-consequential relationships. However, these must also be seen in context. Another amount of carbohydrates and calories for a good metabolism needs an active athlete and another executive manager who works more head. Evaluating your behavior before and critically perceiving the current state are the way to achieve this.
  4. Leaving dogmas: The hardest thing, without debate. Long-standing stereotypes lead to almost liturgical dogmas. The advice of the old I have is often true, but certainly not in everything and especially in other civilization circumstances. Meat or without? Coffee or tea? It must be reconciled that there is no universally correct way. Modern science has no dogmas, it questions, it tests.

Really critical thinking is not a linear line that someone draws us according to a ruler.

For yourself

Being a master of yourself and knowing yourself or yourself well. This is an area that is important even if one does not have biohacking ambitions. At the beginning, it is enough to know, for example, to say an ordinary no, if we feel that way. We also need to know the reasons why we do or do not do something. Don’t we eat carbs because we know it really benefits us? Or meat, because we believe that we will help the world? Is it more because of someone we follow? Living alone in a kind of asceticism is meaningless. Rather, it is a matter of achieving a personal balance, where reason, compromise and the joy of life complement each other.

  1. Good sleep: However, few people really know theirs, not even circadian or other biorhythms. A cursory analysis of sleep can now be performed at home using applications. Lack of daylight or the absence of valuable sleep significantly affects the brain. He then asks for more stimulants, sugar, and the famous negative spiral is taking place somewhere. For most people, sleep is the first factor to start when trying to correct their own lifestyle.
  2. Limits and intolerances: If we want to positively develop what does us good, we should first know what does not do us well. If our immunity has to fight allergies or intolerances, the body exhausts it. Many people have no idea why they are tired. At the same time, sometimes it is enough to omit gluten or something else in the diet, with which our body cannot quite cope. This is true even if the goal is to gradually reduce the body’s overall hypersensitivity and strengthen immunity.
  3. Strong will: It is also just a “muscle” that can be trained. However, it should be noted that if the brain has no nutrients, the physiology of hunger begins. He looks for the easiest way and extinguishes only urgent fires. The instinct of survival here under the pressure of stress on a daily basis usually prevails over the nutritional ratio. The result is irritated reactions and unwanted nutritional “shortcuts”. If we do not want to function only reactively, we need to be aware of the fact that firm will in an ascetic state usually fails.
  4. Regular prevention: Classic regular blood and cholesterol tests are fine, but not enough. It wants something like an individualized comprehensive analysis of n-of-1 biomarkers. Ideally supplemented by the analysis of heart rate variability, the so-called HRV. She can evaluate the level of stress, how the body copes with it, and thus the risks that this entails for the individual.

Prevention is boring, but it saves lives or increases its comfort. That’s just the way it is, period.

Practical biohacking starts here

If a person does not seriously indulge in most of the above things, the real fine-tuning of one’s own body, the aim of which is to gradually increase one’s physical and mental potential, will probably not be achieved. It will make a number of unnecessary mistakes at the trial-error stage. Biohacking starts in the head, but especially by collecting and searching for good resources and information.

  • Nutritional habits: Less sugar, toxins, occasional fasting or a higher proportion of essential unsaturated fatty acids in the diet in order to start ketogenic processes in the body are among the goals that can be achieved without military self-discipline. The choice of quality food is already a bit more difficult, but not impossible, due to the predominantly pesticidal agro-sector. Food is not an expense, but an investment. If we want to work with our own body, we must first understand the processes that take place in it.
  • Body training: Without physical fitness, it will not work. Strengthening the core muscles, which support the musculoskeletal system, but also the notorious and “ordinary” correct posture when walking or sitting in the office. In the next phase, heart rate monitoring begins as an early warning mechanism or process support at the mitochondrial level. Yes, conventional hardening benefits, but biohacking makes it a complex application.
  • Mental stimulation: Learning to work with and prevent one’s own stress is one of the key skills of a biohacker. Breathing exercises, meditation, a few minutes in the sun or lying on the grass, but also active relaxation with sports, sex or simple, but today even rarer well-being or the joy of little things – all benefit the spirit and body. With all this, you can work actively and tune at the same time so that we maximize the benefits.
  • Personal statistics: Like any systematic and quantifiable method, Biohacking cannot work without data collection and analysis. An application or a classic diary in which we record our own reactions and later monitor our progress and evaluate what improves or, on the contrary, worsens our performance. Whatever we try must not be built on chance. If a specific procedure, food or nutritional supplement works for us, we can repeat and verify it.

Biohacker base

It is not a secret place in the unexplored waters of the South Pacific or in the dark forests of central Slovakia, but this site. Gradually, we will bring articles that will turn everything in this text into practical change. At the same time, we will bring you very specific tips on how to effectively move and improve yourself. Our goal is to provide valuable inspiration, recommend quality resources and tips from the global biohacking scene, while taking into account our cultural and consumer environment. At the same time, among several relevant factors, we want to point out the most important ones, but also the less conventional ones, which are, however, effective.

We welcome any constructive opinion or serious observation on the topic of self-improvement of body, mind, but also spirit = complex biohacking. We profess the principles of respectful communication, which does not exclude any criticism, but hate is not considered to be communication. Simply, respect and you will be respected. If we start living more every day, improving life’s quality and becoming more aware of the biohacking presence, it will ultimately improve our whole life in the sense of the motto “Power up your day, power up your life”.

Powerlogy Team


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